If you leave milk and cookies for Santa, why not leave a comfy bed for the fairy to sleep in in case she’s tired? ? Tooth Fairy Teepee source They should make a tooth fairy store where parents can buy fairy coins and kids can buy items they like with this currency! Now that would be cool. Little boys would love this! I mean, most boys love Batman, right? Pressed Penny source I love this idea but let’s not forget to wash them after every use, okay? Superhero Tooth Fairy Pillow source Tooth Fairy Thank you Note sourceĪ note is fine but I wouldn’t mind seeing a dollar or two with that note!? Tooth Fairy Plates source Oh my gosh! This is super cute! Every princess wanna be would squeal in joy over this. The tooth fairy ate my tooth and turned into a monster! I must have cavities! Tooth Fairy Wand source

Tooth Fairy in a Box sourceĪ cute stuffed toy? Why not? Pillow Monster source Surely, little girls wouldn’t mind either. I wouldn’t mind receiving a cute pendant in exchange for a tooth. Twins, triplets or even if you have four kids whose ages are close to each other, assign one pocket for each child. Tooth Fairy Door source: Tooth Fairy Pockets sourceĭefinitely, this idea would be perfect for multiple child parents.
Here is a selection of the best tooth fairy ideas and a few free printables to choose from. It was much later when the brighter sides of the tooth fairy ideas surfaced and stuck to be what most kids believe in now. The dark side of history? Some cultures believed that if a witch gets ahold of someone’s teeth, she can take control of that person. The Vikings paid children for their teeth while Scandinavian warriors believed they bring good luck and wore them around their neck when they go to battle. The English believed burning baby teeth will spare the child hardship in the afterlife. In the middle ages, people believed different things. Then, when the sixth tooth falls out, they take the tooth from under the pillow and slip money or a gift in exchange for the tooth. In Europe, it’s a tradition for parents to bury their children’s baby teeth.

But, there’s actually a history about how the fantasy started. So, after my coffee this morning, I whipped up this little Tooth Fairy Check for parents to use when they get stuck.Parents know the tooth fairy is just a myth – a fantasy to calm kids down when their teeth are about to fall out. I put it on my list of things to think about and WHAM! At about 3 am this morning it hit me! Why can't the tooth fairy write a check? I mean, wouldn't that be easier than having to come up with cash? And if you have forgotten to leave the money under the pillow, wouldn't it be awesome to go print a check and leave it lying somewhere an say, "Oh! The Tooth Fairy must have accidentally dropped this while she was flying away!" This way you can have your child give you the check to cash for them.at your own convenience I might add! Last night, I read that a friend forgot to get cash for the tooth fairy and was stuck, and I has to be an alternative for these situations. You either have to truck yourself to the bank, or if you have forgotten to leave the tooth, you have to come up with some magical story about how the Tooth Fairy couldn't get because she tore one of her wings or the weather was just way to windy, so flying conditions were bad. Have you ever had a child lose a tooth and either forgotten to leave the tooth fairy money under their pillow, or gotten ready to do so only to realize you have no cash? Well, I have.