Warriors: Nightcrow: black tom, Petalstalk: brown she-cat, Drippingthorn: blue-eyed, snow-white tom blind in one eye, Shimmertree: black tom with white spots apprentice, Puddlepaw: brown tom, Pinetail: red tom with brown eyes, Onefoot: tabby she-cat apprentice, Firepaw: red she-cat, Sugarplum: grayish blue she-cat with ice blue eyes, Sandyfish: yellow tom with amber eyes apprentice, Sunpaw: flamy red tom. Medicine Cat: Bramblethorn: tabby she-cat apprentice, Flowerpaw: tortoiseshell she-cat with bright green eyes. Leader: Wavestar: beautiful gray she-cat with a night-black nose.ĭeputy: Shadowsun: black tom with some markings of orange and red. Kittypets, rogues, and other warriors wanting to join are welcome. Meet this Clan! Choose who you want to be. The medicine cat has an apprentice who is very small but very smart at memorizing herbs. The leader is very wise and calm, even when another leader is threatening her in Mist圜lan territory. They have had few betraying cats, and many loyal warriors, elders, apprentices and queens. Generally, they are well-fed but not plump, sleek but not shiny, and super-smart. They prefer peace over bloodshed though making friends with the other Clans are not on their like list. Join Mist圜lan! This Clan is heroic, brave, and great at hunting and battle skills. I hurry back to Hopfish and hear him whisper: "This is way we can't be friends: our loyalties will be divided.

I take that chance and set the fish at the bluish tom's paws. And now I see the pretty one Leafshine, zey call her, call, "he's done no harm." Underneath that freezing glare I see love and affection. "Back off, Streamstone," I hear the tortoiseshell order. She's beautiful.more beautiful than my mum which is saying a LOT. but the third one, a beautiful tortoiseshell with pretty amber eyes like me catches my eye. There's two warriors a bluish gray tom with leafy coloured eyes, and a snowy white she-cat with the strongest glare I ve ever seen. She's Rocklake.I dun't like her vera much. "Hey! An apprentice baby!" I know two of 'em: the one that spoke is my half-sis. I was on RiverClan territory! I tried ta getta way but there was this huge patrol thingy that stopped me, My daddy s in RiverClan so I've gotta respect zat! But I realised that wasn't what Hopfish was talkin about. Now I'm gotten a silverfish and Hopfish said squeaky like, "hey! you're not a RiverClan cat."

You see I was born in ThunderClan but my father Coldheart was RiverClan so his fishing talents kinda stuck. He's strong and stuff, but when I ask him "Why cant all the Clans be friends," he just shrugs. Now I'm an apprentice and my mentor is Hopfish. "Why cant all the Clans be friends?" I've asked mum over and over again.